Conservation Legacy

Energy Communities AmeriCorps VISTA - ARC - KY River - P2 Y1

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About this Opportunity

The Kentucky River Area Development District (KRADD) is the planning and development district for an eight (8) county area. The VISTA member will focus on the following four of the eight Eastern counties: Knott, Leslie, Letcher, and Perry. These counties are economically disadvantaged and distressed by the loss of coal mining in the region. Additionally, there has been a substantial population decrease exacerbated by both COVID-19 and the recent floods in 2021 and 2022. There is an opportunity to strengthen the communities by increasing economic development, services, and highlighting what makes this region special and unique.

KRADD and the VISTA member will research ways to develop a manufacturing and tourism-based economy, and by working with the ongoing efforts in the region to meet the goals outlined in the Infrastructure and Investment Act as well as the Inflation Reduction Act. This VISTA project will develop and advance programs that increase environmental awareness and stewardship, job training, employment pathways, and access to existing federal and community resources for low-income individuals living in energy transition communities.