- Organization
- National Park Service
Habitat Restoration Tool Manager
- Duration
- Recruiting through Dec 31st
- Location
- Point Reyes Station, CA
Opportunity Details
Recruiting through Dec 31st
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

About this Opportunity
The Habitat Restoration Tool Manager maintains hand and/or power tools to:
- Maintain hand tools and equipment in good working order
- Repair broken tools and equipment
- Assist with organization and cleaning of the Vegetation Toolshed
- Maintain gas-powered equipment (if volunteer possesses appropriate skills and expertise)
- Contribute ideas for better organization, use, and maintenance of Vegetation tools, equipment, supplies, and toolshed.
The Habitat Restoration Tool Manager must have expertise in the maintenance and repair of hand tools, knowledge of safe use of equipment and tools needed to maintain tools, and good organizational skills.
Experience in maintaining gas-powered equipment (hedgetrimmer, chainsaw, brushcutter) is helpful.
Schedule and Time Commitment
The minimum time commitment is 4 hours per month for at least 5 months on weekdays between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm. Weekend work may be possible.
Training is provided on-the-job and includes 1) an orientation to the Vegetation Management program and relevant tools and 2) a review of the Point Reyes National Seashore Safety and Wellness Handbook and protocols.
Benefits to the Volunteer
- Satisfaction in helping to support the preservation of native plant habitat
- Satisfaction in helping to support the safe and efficient operation of the Habitat Restoration volunteer program
- Opportunity to contribute skills and expertise to improving the functioning of the Point Reyes National Seashore Vegetation Management program
- Opportunity to gain familiarity with park programs and projects
Group Type
Individuals are encouraged to participate.
Minimum Age
Minimum age is 17. Volunteers under 18 must have a signed parental consent form. Please contact us (see below) for more information.
Housing and RV sites are not available.
Application and Contact Information
Please apply using the link below. For more information, contact Ellen Hamingson at 415-464-5196 or [email protected].
Issue area
- Environment